const THEME_MODES = ["light-mode", "dark-mode"]; const BODY_CLASSES = document.body.classList; const INV_THEME_BUTTON_CLASSES = document.getElementById("invert-theme-button").classList; const CSS_RULES = document.getElementById("body_width-related").sheet.cssRules; /** * Set some cookie value * @param {string} name Cookie name * @param {string} value Cookie value */ function setCookie(name, value) { document.cookie = `${name}=${value}; path=/; samesite=lax; expires=Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT`; } /** * Set some boolean ("1" or "") cookie value * @param {string} name Cookie name * @param {boolean} value Cookie value */ function setBooleanCookie(name, value) { setCookie(name, value ? "1" : ""); } function invertTheme() { setBooleanCookie("dark_mode", BODY_CLASSES.contains(THEME_MODES[0])); THEME_MODES.forEach(i => { BODY_CLASSES.toggle(i); INV_THEME_BUTTON_CLASSES.toggle(i); }) } /** * Delete all theme classes and set new one * @param {DOMTokenList} classes * @param {string} themeName */ function SetThemeClass(classes, themeName) { classes.forEach( i => { if (i.endsWith("-theme")) { classes.remove(i); } } ) classes.add(themeName); } /** * Set color theme and type * @param {string} themeName * @param {string} themeMode */ function setTheme(themeName, themeMode) { [BODY_CLASSES, INV_THEME_BUTTON_CLASSES].forEach( classes => { SetThemeClass(classes, themeName); } ) setCookie("theme", themeName); if (!BODY_CLASSES.contains(themeMode)) { invertTheme(); } } /** * Apply boolean setting option change * @param {string} optionName */ function applyBooleanOptionChange(optionName) { if (optionName == "use_js") { window.location = window.location.pathname; } let tag = document.getElementById(optionName + "-related"); if (tag !== null) { tag.disabled = !tag.disabled; } } /** * "onchange" function for settings checkbox * @param {PointerEvent} event * @param {string} optionName */ function switchOption(event, optionName) { setBooleanCookie(optionName,; applyBooleanOptionChange(optionName); } /** * Copy code blocks content * @param {PointerEvent} event */ function CopyCode(event) { let range = document.createRange(); let node =; range.selectNode(node); window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); window.getSelection().addRange(range); document.execCommand("copy"); window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); let copyButton =; copyButton.remove("copy-animation");; copyButton.add("copy-animation"); } /** * change body width setting on mouseup range event * @param {MouseEvent} event */ function ChangeBodyWidth(event) { let value =; setCookie("body_width", value); CSS_RULES[0].style.setProperty("--body-width", value + "rem"); } /** * edit number in range label * @param {Event} event */ function ChangeRangeLabel(event) { => i.innerHTML =; } const range = document.getElementById('body-width-range'); if (range !== null) { range.addEventListener("mouseup", ChangeBodyWidth); range.addEventListener("touchend", ChangeBodyWidth); range.addEventListener("input", ChangeRangeLabel); }