from dataclasses import dataclass import json from pathlib import Path from mimetypes import guess_type import flask from markupsafe import Markup import src.constants as const PROJECT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.parent def test_all_suffixes(path: Path, suffixes: list[str]) -> Path | None: """ Tests different options of file suffix and check its validity. """ if path.suffix: # if suffix is present if path.suffix in suffixes and path.exists(): # check its validity return path return None if path.exists(): # if suffix not present and file exists return path for suffix in suffixes: # trying to find a suffix by brute force if (spath := path.with_suffix(suffix)).exists(): return spath return None def is_hidden(file: Path) -> bool: return"__") or".") def walk_subpath(path: Path, subpath: str, suffixes: list[str], hidden_func=is_hidden) -> Path: """ Iterates over directory names in path to find file. """ subpath_names = filter(bool, subpath.split("/")) for name in subpath_names: flask.g.rpath.add(name) file = path / name if hidden_func(file): flask.abort(404) file = test_all_suffixes(file, suffixes) if not file: flask.abort(404) path = file return path def guess_type_and_load_media(path: Path, file_link: str) -> str: """ Loads media template for any media file. """ mime_type, _ = guess_type(path) if not mime_type: mime_type = "invalid/invalid" return flask.render_template( "source/media.html", tag=mime_type.split("/")[0], file_link=file_link, mime_type=mime_type, ) def load_content_file_template(path: Path) -> str: with open(path) as file: source = # Place for the code for processing content files other than HTML return flask.render_template_string(source) def load_source_file_template(path: Path) -> str: """ Loads source (text or media) file template. """ if path.suffix in const.TEXT_SOURCE_SUFFIXES: with open(path) as file: source = return flask.render_template("source/file.html", source=source, file_link = "/raw/" + str(path.relative_to(PROJECT_PATH)) return guess_type_and_load_media(path, file_link) def is_hidden_source(file: Path) -> bool: return"__") or (".") and file.is_dir()) def content_filter(file: Path) -> bool: return not is_hidden(file) and file.suffix in const.CONTENT_SUFFIXES def source_filter(file: Path) -> bool: return not is_hidden_source(file) and file.suffix in ("", *const.SOURCE_SUFFIXES) def content_file_finder(subpath: str = "") -> str: """ Finds and loads content file template. """ path = walk_subpath(PROJECT_PATH / "content", subpath, const.CONTENT_SUFFIXES) if path.is_dir(): flask.g.rpath.scan_dir(path, content_filter) path /= const.DIR_DESCR_FILENAME if not path.exists(): flask.abort(404) return load_content_file_template(path) def source_file_finder(subpath: str = "") -> str: """ Finds and loads source file template. """ flask.g.rpath.add("source") path = walk_subpath(PROJECT_PATH, subpath, const.SOURCE_SUFFIXES, is_hidden_source) if path.is_dir(): flask.g.rpath.scan_dir(path, source_filter) return flask.render_template("source/folder.html") else: return load_source_file_template(path) def raw_file_finder(subpath: str): """ Find and loads raw files directly from directories. """ flask.g.rpath.add("raw") path = walk_subpath(PROJECT_PATH, subpath, const.SOURCE_SUFFIXES, is_hidden_source) if not path.is_file(): flask.abort(404) mimetype = None if path.suffix in const.TEXT_SOURCE_SUFFIXES: mimetype = "text/plain" return flask.send_from_directory( PROJECT_PATH, path.relative_to(PROJECT_PATH), mimetype=mimetype, ) @dataclass class Article: """ Dataclass representing meta information about the article. """ path: Path link: str file_content: str date: str = "YYYY.MM.DD" number: int = 0 def __lt__(self, other: "Article") -> bool: return (, self.number) < (, other.number) @staticmethod def _load_meta_block(article: str): return json.loads(flask.render_template_string(article, article_mode="meta")) @classmethod def parse(cls, article_path: Path, link: Path | str) -> "Article": with as file: file_content = meta_info = cls._load_meta_block(file_content) return cls(article_path, "/" + str(link), file_content, **meta_info) def include(self, mode="preview") -> Markup: template = flask.render_template_string( self.file_content,, article_mode=mode, ) return Markup(template) def get_articles(subpath: str = "/articles") -> list[Article]: """ Finds all articles in directory and loads information about it. """ suffixes = const.CONTENT_SUFFIXES root = PROJECT_PATH / "content" dir_path = walk_subpath(root, subpath, suffixes) article_list: list[Article] = [] for file in dir_path.iterdir(): if is_hidden(file): continue if file.is_file() and file.suffix in suffixes: article = Article.parse(file, file.relative_to(root)) elif (about := file / const.DIR_DESCR_FILENAME).exists(): article = Article.parse(about, file.relative_to(root)) else: continue article_list.append(article) return sorted(article_list, reverse=True)