{%- extends "base.html" -%} {%- block title -%} Settings {%- endblock -%} {%- block content -%}
{%- for theme in THEME_NAMES -%}
{%- for mode in THEME_MODES -%} {{ m.set_theme_button(theme, mode) }} {%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- call m.settings_option("use_js") -%} Javascript
(Reloads the page. When this option is disabled, all buttons turn into links and reload the page with the functionality preserved). {%- endcall -%} {%- call m.settings_option("use_hl") -%} Code highlighting. {%- endcall -%} {%- call m.settings_option("fonts") -%} External fonts
(Connects fonts from third-party resources instead of standard browser fonts). {%- endcall -%} {%- call m.settings_option("extra_css") -%} Extra CSS animations
(Connects an additional stylesheet with animations). {%- endcall -%}
{%- if not g.use_js -%} {%- endif -%}
Max site body width
(Determines the maximum width of the space occupied by the site on the screen)
{%- endblock -%}